Master Planning

Click the links above to explore District Documents and Files and Models from the Master Plan.

Desert runoff moves through the desert with the Strip in backdrop. 

The Regional Flood Control District provides updated Master Plans for the control of flooding by focusing on the following strategies:

  1. Identify sustainable solutions to mitigate flooding problems that are efficient, cost effective, and can be implemented.

  2. Account for the need to manage the flood risk for both existing and future development.

  3. Respond to opportunities that enhance the usefulness of the Master Plans.

  4. Update the Master Plan by utilizing the best resources and information available.

  5. Comply with the requirements of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

  6. Present Master Plan updates, changes, and amendments to governmental bodies for consideration and adoption.

  7. Coordinate the Master Plans with regional planners to allow opportunities for recreational, transportation, and environmental enhancement.

Video below illustrates the Regional Flood Control District's Master Plan Update Progression from inception to 2050.